Elements of UX that Creates Trust Towards Your Website

Design and Development
Elements of UX that Creates Trust Towards Your Website
Goldy Benedict

Written by

Goldy Benedict

Updated on

March 21, 2024

Read time

6 mins read

“Trust” is the fundamental currency of any business. It is the most powerful impulse driving billions and trillions of transactions all around the world, since ages.

And today, in the digital era where transactions take place through computers and smartphones instead of tangible stores, the gravity of trust in business has remarkably increased.

Today, users perceive faith in the brand with its digital identity. And the UI/UX of your website plays a significant role in working as a catalyst to forge trust.

Insightful designers and web developers know that a well-crafted website with crucial UX elements can establish trust and loyalty of the user. In this piece, we’ll discuss the elements of UX that will help you to win the trust of your users.

1. Consistency

Consistency is what makes you look reliable and professional. Whereas inconsistency reflects substandard and amateurism. And this can be a dreadful turn-off for your customer visiting your website.

That’s the reason top web development companies spend ample amount of time on making an organized and standard UX across all the pages.
The website must be consistent in terms of fonts, colour, search bar, buttons, layout, features and content on every page. This makes your website predictable and helps the user to get familiar.

What if the features and functionalities of a website are different across different pages? For instance, the position of the search bar, assorted colours of buttons for the same functionality, etc. Would it be a pleasing user experience? This not only looks unprofessional but also makes it difficult for the user to navigate and ultimately, creating a bad user experience.

2. Testimonials

Testimonials are one of the most crucial elements that drive trust among users towards the website. Why? Because they work as a “Social Proof”.

Humans use other’s experience as a shortcut to judgment. So, consumers are more likely to trust your business if other people, friends, colleagues or experts have passed a positive review.

Adding client’s testimonials and ratings of the product or service have been proven to significantly increase the conversion of the website. It works as a tool to review your products and services before they buy it. Another reason to have the testimonials on your website is that it creates an emotional connection with your users.

add client testimonials in UX

3. Transparency

Honesty is the best policy and in long-term, it will make life-long loyal customers. One of the ways to be honest with your customers is transparency. Being transparent helps brands to forge a relationship of trust and reliability.

Customers tend to be loyal and built faith if the brand is transparent. Check the following stats by Label Insight.

– 94% of the consumers are likely to be loyal to a brand that offers complete transparency.

– 81 percent said they would be willing to sample a brand’s entire range of products if they were comfortable with its degree of transparency.

– 37% of the consumers are ready to switch brand if other brand shows more transparency.

– Almost three in four consumers (73%) say they would be willing to pay more for a product that offers complete transparency in all attributes.

Consumers nowadays are curious to know more about your product and services. If you are not transparent about it, they will find it through other sources. So, no matter what –  be transparent by providing adequate and genuine information on your website.

4. Awards and Certificates

Awards and certificates portray the achievements, resulting in boosting the user’s confidence in the brand. Adding the awards makes the consumer feel special about your brand. On the other hand, certificates also hold a significant importance. For instance, a certificate of secured online payment or official partners certificate makes your brand more credible and boosts the trust.

5. Use Faces

Using faces on websites evokes emotion and emotion is the factor that drives trust. We humans empathies faces and this has been used by many brands to create trust among users as well as for boosting the sales. For instance, companies selling baby care products show photos of babies and mothers on the website, tours and travels companies shows photos of happy couples and families enjoying their holiday, faces of the CEO and employees are shown on the “Company” page of a website, etc.

use faces on website


6. Connect with Customers on Social Media

Social media has become an indispensable part of people’s life. And if your brand can connect the users on social media it means you are connecting to a huge chunk of their daily routine. Adding a social media button such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. on your website or share buttons on the blog will help them discover you on social media and share your content. This creates a friendly brand image and boosts the shares of your content.

connect customers on social media

7. Blogs

Blogs are one of the best ways to connect with your users. It is your own publication to share your philosophy and spread your words.

Users can get to know more about you and increase the trust towards your brands with blogs. Not only that, if you post content that addresses people’s problems and provides valuable information, people will frequently visit your website to read it, boosting your credibility. Check these interesting stats about blogs.

– 70% of consumers say they prefer to learn about a product or service through content rather than traditional advertising. (Source: Content Marketing Institute research)

– According to a study, 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs. (Source: Hubspot)

– 68% of consumers are likely to spend time reading content from a brand they are interested in. (Source: The CMA)

– 60% of consumers feel more positive about a company after reading custom content on its site. (Source: Content Plus)

Wrap Up

Trust plays a vital role in the success of the business. If your customers have faith in your brand they will buy your products and services, no matter what and these customers will stay loyal to your brand. Building trust is not an overnight process as it is built over the time. However, using the above UX elements will help you to provide better user experience, understand their needs and stand up to their expectations resulting in forging a relationship of trust.

Hope you are benefited reading it. We here at Techuz understand the importance of trust in business. So, whether it be our designs or web development services, we deliver promises. We are an established web development company in India catering services for more than half a decade now. If you are looking forward to building your website or web app for your business, feel free to contact us anytime.

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Goldy Benedict

Goldy Benedict

Content Marketing Manager

I'm Goldy Benedict, a seasoned copywriter and content marketer with over 5 years of expertise in amplifying brands through SEO and strategic content. At Techuz, as a Content Marketing Manager, I spearheaded brand expansion by devising effective content strategies across diverse sectors including edtech, job market, health, and gaming.

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